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According to the statistics, even companies with strong vision fail to scale because they lack a good handle on their finances. At AUSSIE BOOKKEEPING we strongly believe that if you do not know your numbers, you do not know your business. Converting a company’s vison into numbers is what we do best!

Why would you hire a professional bookkeeper?

There are many good reasons to hire a professional bookkeeper. Here are three of them:

  • They save you a ton of time.
  • They help you understand your business finances.
  • They can facilitate your managing things like cash flow.

A bookkeeper can also offer bookkeeping support services to business owners who feel like they are working alone.

What will a professional bookkeeping service do?

Our bookkeeping specialists at AUSSIE BOOKKEEPING will ensure all business accounts are accurate and up-to-date. They will report on those business accounts on a timely basis, so that owners and managers will know where they stand financially.

AUSSIE BOOKKEEPING may also help you:

  • to adjust neglected accounts and build systems that prevent you from lagging behind again;
  • to realize and begin to handle periodic financial issues such as poor cash flow or soaring debt;
  • to identify the things that drive performance in your business (key performance indicators), and to set up ways to measure and monitor them.

What does it cost?

AUSSIE BOOKKEEPING has three bookkeeping services pricing models that allow business owners to work with us without taking a huge financial risk.
Fixed price/Flat fee
Hourly billing

In order to tailor-make our bokkeeping services to a particular business we need to know the following:

What type of business do you run?

Service businesses and retailers have different bookkeeping challenges as compared to a manufacturing business.

  • What type of services do you need?
  • You may decide to keep some tasks in-house. But maybe you also want to have the flexibility to outsource everything if you are too busy.
  • What type of software do you use?
  • What type of relationship do you want?
  • What are you looking for: an advisor, a trainer, or just a doer?

We invite you to take advantage of our bookkeeping specialists’ free initial consultations to explain the bookkeeping needs of your business, and offer you proper bookkeeping packages. Call 0402217058 to schedule an appointment or request your obligation-free quote.

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